Tuesday, September 16, 2014

ART2: Portraits + Printmaking

My more advanced ART2 students did an incredible job on their first big project of the semester. The portraits were done in pencil (most of them) and the prints were carved on linoleum blocks then printed with block ink all done on Bristol 18" x 24" paper. The printed element was to add movement by using repetition, color, and rhythm. A great success! (Note the tribute to Robin Williams!) Enjoy.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Phoenix Muralists

Some of the artists are learning about local and world renown muralists - for inspiration and in preparation for their own mural! Check out these two AZ muralists featured by a local art blog, KAYRAE Art & Images. Their creative and ridiculously COOL murals can be seen around Tempe and Phoenix. Stay tuned for the students' mural! Coming soon! :)

Click on the artists' names!

Andy Brown (SoldierLeisure)

Alli Dodt

Arizona artists rock!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Flags for Banks

We lost a dear friend and teacher over the summer. These flags were created by teachers and students school wide as a tribute to our loved Mr. Banks. So proud of everyone who participated and honored Banks in this way. He is dearly missed and forever with us at East Valley. We love you Mr. Banks!

After hanging in our hallways, the flags were sent to Mr. Banks' family.